During the course of our lives, we will find ourselves attracting many different mindsets. These individuals will either; allow us to gravitate to our higher selves, share the same paths as we do, or  simply are there for us to help, and in some cases, will try to pull us down. The focus of this blog will be on the low vibration beings who try to pull us down.

 An unhappy person is one who is unable to accept themselves, thus, will find it difficult to accept you... let them be. We can sometimes feel as though someone needs our help when in fact what we are doing is removing their bad karma and even sometimes giving it to ourselves. Sometimes we have to let people go through their bad phases and become who they were meant to be.

  • Unhappy people does not know how to truly compliment you or motivate you
  • When you have accomplished something and share it, they counteract that with an accomplishment of their own instead of being happy for you and enjoying your moment
  • Because they are not happy within themselves they search for others to make them happy 
  • Unhappy people lack the energy and the self-awareness needed to hold themselves accountable. Hence, they lack self-motivation and have an intensified ego which isn't always apparent until they are ready to face their shadow selves, or life forces them to do so.

They are victims of bad life circumstances, circumstances which they allow to control them because they believe that these circumstances are responsible for who they are. They unwillingly do not see the greener side of life and act accordingly.

Your job to an unhappy person is to simply do your part and be a nice person, but in most cases, it is necessary to let them be. Their poison isn't worth your great soul.
